Google Maps Download Maps For Offline Use Android

Yes you can use Google maps even if you do not have an internet connection.

May 10, 2019  How to download offline maps in the Google Maps app on Android. For the most part, downloading a map via the Android Google Maps app requires the. Now that you’ve downloaded the maps you need, you’re ready to learn how to use Google Maps Offline on Android. The easiest way to use Google Maps offline is to disable the Internet network. If you don’t turn off your Internet connections, Google Maps will work in offline mode only when the Internet is. Select Download offline map Download. Use offline maps. After you download a map, use the Google Maps app just like you normally would. If your Internet connection is slow or absent, Google Maps will use your offline maps to give you directions. Get directions and see routes; Use.

But, first of all you should know that there are some limitations on google maps like the fact that you cannot download large areas, only the areas that has maximum 1.5 GB in size, or the fact that the maps are not compressed like iGO or Garmin maps and are lager in size.

So, here is how to download Google maps using the Google Maps iOS or Android app:

Google maps download maps for offline use android phone

Android Download Google Maps For Offline Use

1. Open your google maps app and press the menu button(or the top-left button) and tap Offline areas

2. Now press the Plus (+) button from the button-right corner and select the area you want to download. Remember that you cannot download the whore country of France because the max limit of the downloaded map is 1.5 GB

Use Google Maps Offline

Now turn off your Internet connection and see the magic 😉

Download Google Maps For Offline Use Android

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