Android Studio Download For Ubuntu 18.04

  • Feb 22, 2019 At the time of writing this article, the latest stable version of Android Studio is version The easiest way is to install Android Studio on Ubuntu 18.04 is by using the snappy packaging system. To download and install the Android Studio snap package, open your terminal using the Ctrl+Alt+T keyboard shortcut and type.
  • Feb 02, 2019  Android Studio, Google’s own IDE for Android development, is a nice alternative to Eclipse with ADT plugin. Android Studio can be installed from its source code but in this quick post, we shall see how to install Android Studio in Ubuntu 18.04, 16.04 and corresponding Linux Mint variants.

Hello everyone, how are you all doing today? We finally have Ubuntu Studio 18.04 LTS released and available for download! Starting from today forward, we here at will be adding more posts, downloads and tutorials for Ubuntu Studio. We plan to support even more of the official flavors in the coming weeks so be on the lookout for that.

Today we will list the Ubuntu Studio 18.04 download links which will feature both FTP links, direct download links and of course Bittorrent links for Ubuntu Studio 18.04 LTS. Lets not waste too much time, have a quick look at Bionic beaver’s feature list, screenshots and then you can go ahead and download and install it.

Oct 29, 2018  This brief tutorial is going to show students and new users how to install Gradle Build Tool on Ubuntu 16.04 18.04 and 18.10 systems To get starting installing Gradle on.

Ubuntu Studio 18.04 LTS Features


  • Ardour DAW upgraded to version 5.12.0
  • qtractor DAW upgraded to version 0.8.5
  • Yoshimi synthesizer upgrated to version 1.5.6


  • Blender upgraded to version 2.79
  • GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP) upgraded to version 2.8.22


  • kdenlive upgraded to version 4:17.12.3
  • openshot upgraded to version 2.4.1

Install Ubuntu Studio 18.04 LTS

Ubuntu Studio 18.04 LTS Install DVD & USB

NOTE:You can also save time and bandwidth by ordering the official Ubuntu Studio 18.04 LTS Desktop Install DVD or and get it delivered to your home fast.

Ubuntu Studio 18.04 LTS Screenshots

Remember to like our facebook and our twitter @ubuntufree for a chance to win a free Ubuntu laptop every month!

Quick Links: Download Ubuntu Studio 19.04 | Xubuntu 18.04 ISO | Kubuntu 18.04 ISO | Lubuntu 18.04 ISO | Ubuntu Budgie 18.04 ISO |Ubuntu Kylin 18.04 ISO | Ubuntu MATE 18.04 ISO |Ubuntu 18.04 ISO

This is a working guide to get Android Studio up and runnning on Ubuntu. Android Studio is provided for free by Google and powered by the IntelliJ Platform. Use of Eclipse for Android development has since been deprecated.


Install Java

  1. Android Studio requires JAVA.SO we need to setup it first.

  2. Check the version(s) of Java you have.

    If the result contains these:

    you have what you need and you can skip to the next section. Else, continue to install Java

  3. Update the package index.

  4. Install Oracle JDK 8. The Oracle JDK is the official JDK; however, it is no longer provided by Oracle as a default installation for Ubuntu.

5.To set Oracle JDK8 as default, install the 'oracle-java8-set-default' package.

Themes can also apply styles to non-view elements, such asthe status bar and window background.Styles and themes are declared in a in res/values/, usually named styles.xml.Figure 1. When you apply your styleas a theme, every view in the app or activity applies each style attributethat it supports. Window theme download for android. Styles and themes on Android allow you to separate the details of your app designfrom the UI structure and behavior, similar to stylesheets in web design.A style is a collection of attributes thatspecify the appearance for a single.A style can specify attributes such as font color, font size,background color, and much more.A theme is a type of style that's applied to an entireapp, activity, or view hierarchy—not just an individual view.

  1. Check that you have everything with

    and you should see at least:

Install Android Studio

You have two options.

(1) Getting the package from Google

  1. Go to the Android Developers site and download the full package (not just the SDK) into a directory of your choosing.

  2. Unpack/Extract the ZIP file into the selected directory. Navigate to android-studio/bin/ in Terminal and run Android Studio

(2) Installing with apt-get

Provided by Paolo Rotolo
Student Developers should consult their supervisor before adding third-party repositories

If no prompt pops up, go to 'usr/share/applications' to find the .desktop and run the app. Right click on the icon on the desktop sidebar and 'Lock to Launcher'.

First-time Prompts

  • Complete Installation I do not have.Unless you do.
  • Android Setup Wizard
    • Install Type Standard
    • Emulator Settings (We'll deal with this in the next steps)
    • License Agreement Accept android-sdk-license and Finish
      Your Sdk folder will be in 'home/Android'

Update your Android Studio

  1. Go to Configure > Settings > Updates OR File > Settings > Updates
  2. Check 'Check for updates in channel'
  3. Set the channel to Stable Channel unless you're feeling adventurous.
  4. Check Now

Install the SDKs

  1. Go to Configure > SDK Manager OR Tools > Android > SDK Manager

  2. Install these packages:
    Revisions are latest at the time of writing. Let's just say you'll take the latest of these or something similar.

    • Tools
      • Android SDK Tools [Rev 24.1.2]
      • Android SDK Tools Platform-tools [Rev 22]
      • Android SDK Build-tools [Rev 21.1.2]
      • Android SDK Build-tools [Rev 19.1]
      • Android SDK Build-tools [Rev 19.0.3]
    • Android 5.1
      • Documentation for Android SDK [API 22, Rev 1] --useful to have
      • SDK Platform [API 22, Rev 1]
      • Google APIs [API 22]
      • Google APIs Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image [API 22, Rev 1]
      • Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image [API 22, Rev 1]
    • Android 5.0.1 (API 21)
      • SDK Platform [API 21, Rev 2]
      • Google APIs [API 21, Rev 1]
      • Google APIs Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image [API 21, Rev 4]
      • Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image [API 21, Rev 4]
    • Android 4.4.2 (API 19) --for Android KitKat minimum support
      • SDK Platform [API 19, Rev 4]
      • Google APIs (x86 System Image)
    • Android 4.1.2 (API 16) --for Android JellyBean minimum support
      • SDK Platform [API 16, Rev 5]
      • Google APIs [API 16, Rev 3]
    • Extras
      • Android Support Repository [Rev 12]
      • Android Support Library [Rev 22]
      • Google Play Services [Rev 23]
      • Google Repository [Rev 16]

    Accept the agreements by selecting the top level paths.

Install Intel's KVM for Better AVD Performance

The Android Virtual Device (AVD) lets you test the app on the computer instead of using your own device. 8GB of RAM seems to work well. This setup guide (based on Intel's) is mainly to make the AVD work fast and smooth using hardware virtualization.

  1. Silverlight for windows phone download. Check if your processor supports hardware virtualization in Terminal:

    Output 0 means no (sadface). If this is the case, you may prefer to use an actual Android device for testing. And you can skip the next steps of AVD.

  2. Install cpu-checker

  3. Check if your cpu supports kvm

    If you see:

    it means you can run your virtual machine faster with the KVM extensions. (Yeay)

    But if you see

    then you need to go to the BIOS Setup and enable VT.

  4. Enabling VT (done with HP Compaq 8200)

    1. Restart the computer.
    2. Enter the BIOS Setup (Computer Setup in HP) by spamming F10 on startup.
    3. In Setup, go to Security > System Security.
    4. Enable these:
    5. Save changes and exit.
  5. Install the KVM

    You may ignore the Postfix Configuration prompt by selecting 'No Configuration'.


Download Android Studio For Ubuntu 18.04 64 Bit

  1. Add your local user account to the group kvm and libvirtd.

    In Ubuntu 16.10, the group has been renamed to libvirt instead of libvirtd.

    After the installation, you need to relogin so that your user account becomes an effective member of kvm and libvirtd user groups. The members of this group can run virtual machines.

    Android Studio Requires mksdcard utility to create AVD. If you're running 64-bit Linux OS. It won't have these packages installed by default.Install those packages.

  2. Verify installation in Terminal:

    If you see:

    installation was a success! Just a little bit more.

  3. Add the emulator command line options.

    1. In Android Studio, go to Run > Edit Configurations.

    2. To set as global default for all projects, select 'Android Application' under 'Defaults'.

    3. Go to the emulator tab, check 'Additional command line options' and add:

Create Your AVD

  1. In Android Studio, go to Tools > Android > AVD Manager.

  2. Click on 'Create Virtual Device'.

  3. Choose a Phone (Nexus devices are pretty standard).

  4. Choose a System Image. Lollipop (API 22) is the latest at the time of typing. The target should be 'Google APIs (Google Inc.).' for our app to function with Google Maps.

  5. In AVD (Verify Configuration),

    • Check 'Use Host GPU'.
    • Show Advanced Settings and make sure RAM is more than 1024 (but max at 1024 if your OS is 32-bit).
  6. Finish. This shouldn't take too long.

  7. Start up your AVD using Terminal. Navigate to your Android 'Sdk/tools' folder (usually in ~/Android). Put in the path to your 'Sdk/tools/lib' folder for 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' below:

    For those with a 32-Bit system, modify the command to below:

    'Nexus_5_API_21' is a sample name for the AVD created. Replace it with your AVD's name replacing spaces with underscores.

    It shouldn't take more than a minute to start up. If the screen goes all gibberish, just swipe up (Android Lollipop unlock gesture) and the home screen should appear before you.

Ubuntu 18.04 Android Build

Android Studio Download For Ubuntu 18.04

Android Studio Download For Ubuntu 18.04 Windows 10

Yeay! Now you can continue to setting up for Google Maps.
Trying to run the SpaceScout app at this point will most probably fail.

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